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DarkRP Rules

                   General Rules

1. Respect All Players: No harassment, racism, sexism, or any form of discrimination.

2. Random Deathmatch (RDM): Players should not kill others without a valid roleplay reason.

3. New Life Rule (NLR): When you die, you forget everything from your previous life and cannot return to the location of your death for 5 minutes.

4. FailRP: When a rule is broken during an RP event that is called FailRP, if someone had recently raided and decided to raid again without waiting the timer necessary that raid would not be valid and they could be punished for anyone they kill during that “raid” because it will be counted as RDM because they are not actually able to raid.

5. No Metagaming: Using out-of-game information or info from another life(NLR) to influence in-game decisions is prohibited. Example: Killing someone who killed your party member across the map.

6. NITRP (No Intent To Role Play): If you have broken a lot of rules/lied to staff/made attempts to troll/harass other players a staff could punish you with a 3 day ban for NITRP.

7. No Exploiting or Cheating: Using glitches, scripts, exploits, hacks, or any form of third-party software is not allowed.

8. No Mic or Chat Spam: Do not flood the chat or use the voice channel to play music, scream, etc.

9. Advertisements: Do not advertise other servers or products.

10. Trading: Attempts to trade in-game items for real money to other players is forbidden and will result in punishments. Trading with players in exchange for gifted store items is allowed.

11. Impersonation: Impersonating staff or other players is not permitted.

12. Property Ownership: Players cannot own more than one property.

13. Alts. No alts to evade a ban if so then both accounts will be banned based on the previous accounts ban length, No more than 3 ACCOUNTS per IP, so that siblings/relitives can still play without being labed a ALT

14. Doxxing. Doxxing will not be allowed; this means to display another player's personal information. Doing so will lead to a permanent ban.

15. DDoS. DDos threats will not be allowed; this means threatening to ddos the server or a player.

16. Spam. Don’t spam ooc, adverts, /report, jobs, voice.

17. Raidables. Printers, Gang Printers, Weed, Meth, Fireworks, Bitcoin, Lean, Cocaine.

                                                        Building Rules

18. Text Screen Signs: Signs must be a minimum of 45 font size and you may not have kos and building sign at the same time.

19. Building Signs: Players must put up a “Building” sign when constructing their base. While Building you cannot store raidables. No RPing while building.

20. Kos Signs: KOS signs must be applied to kill people inside unless they are actively raiding. If someone leaves a KOS area they are no longer KOS.

21. Prop Block: Avoid blocking landmarks like spawn, tunnels, npcs, PD, and other peoples bases.

22. Allowed Locations: If your job is not hobo then bases must be inside a building area, this includes everything before the sidewalk.

23. Shoot Holes: Shoot holes must be the width and height of a plate025x05.mdl minimum. Bases where defenders can see raiders, but raiders can't see you are not allowed. Opening a shoot hole during a raid must be with a button or keypad otherwise it would be Fading Door Abuse (FDA).

24. Trap Base: An inescapable section in a base is considered a trap base and is not allowed.

25. Fading Doors: You may only have up to 4 raidable doors and keypads to crack in/out of a base. Quick doors, shoot holes and other non enterable fading doors do not apply to that count. Keypads must have a minimum of 6 seconds hold length.

26. No Maze Bases: A base must have an obvious entry way. Example: Having multiple keypads where you have to guess the correct one, hiding keypads, or having more than 3 zig zags is not allowed.

27. No Black Out Bases: Two or more walls must be visibly different. This does not apply to only the color black.

28. No Crouch Bases: With some exceptions, at no point should a raider have to crouch to get into a base; this means crouching to crack a keypad or to get into a part of a base.

29. No Blind Fire: You must be able to see a player in order to shoot them and they must also be able to see you.

Raiding Rules 
30. Raidable Roles: Only raid classes can raid. Raid Classes: Thief, Experienced Theif, Hitman/Assassin (Hit-Related ONLY).

31. Announce Raids: Before keypad cracking or shooting someone in a base you must advert raid/assist with the “/advert raid” or “/advert assist” command in chat. If you are raiding the PD then advert the “pd raid” instead. If you are raiding the Bank then advert "Bank Raid" instead.

32. Assisting Raids: When assisting a raid if the person who adverted raid dies, anyone assisting is still allowed to continue the raid.

33. Ending a Raid: After finishing a raid advert over with the “/advert over” command in chat.

34. Counter Raid: If you want to counter another player's raid you must advert counter with the command “/advert counter raid” in chat. A counter can be performed by any jobs that are allowed to raid.

35. Raid Limits: Raid’s can last up to 10 minutes. After a raid is completed a 20 minute wait time is required before raiding that person again. Assisting a raid to avoid a raid cooldown is not allowed. There is no general raid cooldown just individual base raid cooldowns.

                                                        Job Rules

36. Banker.  You are only allowed to base within the bank. Printers within the bank are the only place printers can be legally
 stored. You can’t destroy a clients printer without their permission .You can’t Assist in raiding/mugging

37. Government.  You may not base or own doors as a government official. You may not abuse your kit (ex. Stun stick abuse).You can’t KOS anyone inside of the PD unless they are trying to harm others, you may AOS anyone going further than the lobby in the pd. You may only order a warrant if you see illegal items or have other substantial evidence of illegal activity. Government NLR during a pd vault raid is 60 seconds otherwise normal NLR rules apply.

38. Assassins/Hitman. You’re allowed to base. You’re allowed to raid only if the hit/bounty is inside the base with /advert raid, otherwise you are allowed to assist in raids other criminals start. You may not be in a party with any other people or defend them.

39. Dealers. You may not deny a customer without a valid reason. If there are no gun dealers active you are allowed to switch and supply yourself weapons but if there are gun dealers active you must get your guns within rp from them, if you are a gun dealer and active on the job supplying weapons to others you may supply yourself with guns. You are allowed to base with anyone.

40. Hobos. You’re not allowed to raid or mug or assist in any of them. You're allowed to build a little hut in the middle of the road but it can’t block any base or building and npc’s you must also put buttons on all your fading doors.You’re not allowed to money print inside of your hobo hut or hide them around the map.

41. Criminals. You’re allowed to base and print money. You may mug and raid. You may counter raids.

42. Terrorists. You're allowed to base and print money. You may counter raids. You may do /advert TERROR and kill anyone for 15 seconds this has a cooldown of 10 minutes, if you die during terror you must advert OVER.

43. Boxer. You may start a boxing ring and have a boxing buisness.

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