
Full Version: Korn Application
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Ingame name: Korn
Age: 20
Hours played (96 minimum): 5 hours and 41 minutes (Co-owner said go for it, make a post)
Steam profile:https://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561198238204148/
Bans/warns: None
Timezone: EST
recommendations: Spoke to Buckie in VC
Can you record sits?: Yes
Do you have access to a mic?: Yes

Why should you be a staff member (1) paragraph: Hello, my name is Cornelius AKA Korn. I should be staff because the server is brand new and I would love to help build a great community and help any new players. Also, i have over a year of moderation work on a server I used to play. Even was manager of a server for a few months.

How will the server benefit from you being a staff member (1) paragraph: If any member of our community needs assistance in any way I will gladly help. After thoroughly reading the DarkRP server rules i understand them very well. After having few questions in this server in the past they were answered and I understand the server fully.

Who made zonarp: Buckie/Jewish and 3D Fragz!